Energy5 – a supplier of PV structures for a 10 MW farm
A photovoltaic farm located in the Greater Poland Voivodeship has just started generating electricity. The supporting structure for the installation with a rated power of 10 MW was manufactured by Energy5 – a leading Polish producer and supplier of mounting systems for photovoltaic modules.
Our primary goal was to design a system that would be ideally suited to the difficult, hilly terrain. Thanks to the experience of Energy5 engineers, all assumptions were met – all thanks to an individual concept, created on the basis of a land development design (PZT) provided by the client. Driving in the legs of the structure to three different depths – 1.5; 1.8 and 2.5 meters – allowed for perfect exposure of photovoltaic modules towards the south.
The materials used in the Energy5 systems are highly resistant to weather conditions and work well even in aggressive environments of corrosion class C5. Trust the only manufacturer of PV structures in Poland who has the National Technical Assessment and guarantees the highest quality and safety of its products.